I was pleased to see that ABC News picked up the story in the current issue of PC Magazine on "Living With Technology" for obvious reasons.
I mean, if you're going to "come out of the closet", as it were, about an addiction, one might as well do it on a grand scale and I think I've accomplished that! If you would have told me three years ago I would be writing about this in an international publication, I would have wondered what YOU were drinking.
It's a good stepping stone, however, in expanding a topic for which I have a great deal of personal interest in, and it's a nice writing credit. I hope to have the opportunity to write in more detail and with as much candor as I can about my own experience with getting sober. I'm very grateful to have been offered the opportunity to launch this timely topic in the unique venue that PC Magazine has provided.
I always thought it would be so easy to write about what it was like to go through those years and, in a sense, it really is - until you realize that what you are writing will quite possibly be read by more than a few people. That's where the intimidation comes knocking on the door but I do have a choice in opening it, and I choose not to. I think it needs to be discussed openly and I know that three years ago, I would have given anything to read the words of someone who had been where I was, and to know that there's hope and a better life on the "other side". But I couldn't find anything like that after hitting bottom. I'm going to work very hard to change that.
Thanks to everyone who has sent such nice comments and congratulations. It means more to me than you could ever know. I wondered how I would feel in the days following publication of this story - if I would feel any regret in allowing the exposure of my experiences, but I can honestly say, I am so glad I followed what my heart was telling me, and what my heart was telling me was to write it. I'm glad I listened. If it opens one pair of eyes that might be searching for an invitation to feel better by completely overhauling their lifestyle, it was worth the small amount of time it took me to pen this piece. I plan to pen more in the near future.
But now it's time to look at the week ahead and get ready for New York, New York!
I mean, if you're going to "come out of the closet", as it were, about an addiction, one might as well do it on a grand scale and I think I've accomplished that! If you would have told me three years ago I would be writing about this in an international publication, I would have wondered what YOU were drinking.
It's a good stepping stone, however, in expanding a topic for which I have a great deal of personal interest in, and it's a nice writing credit. I hope to have the opportunity to write in more detail and with as much candor as I can about my own experience with getting sober. I'm very grateful to have been offered the opportunity to launch this timely topic in the unique venue that PC Magazine has provided.

Thanks to everyone who has sent such nice comments and congratulations. It means more to me than you could ever know. I wondered how I would feel in the days following publication of this story - if I would feel any regret in allowing the exposure of my experiences, but I can honestly say, I am so glad I followed what my heart was telling me, and what my heart was telling me was to write it. I'm glad I listened. If it opens one pair of eyes that might be searching for an invitation to feel better by completely overhauling their lifestyle, it was worth the small amount of time it took me to pen this piece. I plan to pen more in the near future.
But now it's time to look at the week ahead and get ready for New York, New York!