...the people you love most happen to be. Yesterday, 18 May 2007, I had the wonderful pleasure of picking my daughter up, who just arrived from New York City. How sweet it was to see her smiling face again. She rode in on Amtrack (the railroad of lies) which was only 1 hour and 45 minutes late! We had a fun ride back, she riding shotgun in my PT Cruiser and we laughed and talked about everything and everyone we knew. James Taylor's "Sun on the Moon" was playing on my iPod and gave us a familiar soundtrack as my 23 year old daughter and I headed back toward Wilmington on a rainy but delicious Thursday Evening. It felt delightfully like old times.
We all sat down to an honest-to-goodness home-cooked dinner courtesy of my oh-so-domestic and wonderfully nurturing Mom. The conversation was interspersed with smiles, laughter and a feeling of togetherness - something we don't take for granted because this sprite now resides in the big city, but fortunately, she hasn't lost her affection for home, family and the love that emanates forth.
This morning, I picked up my fine friend Billie, who flew in from Tampa/St. Pete, and it was also great to see this special man again. We go back nine years and what a loyal and loving gentle man this blessing is. After warm hugs, I deposited him at my house and then took Katie to lunch with Vanessa - well, Vanessa could only join us for tea as she had a client, but Katie and I had a great lunch and then Vanessa took over and Katie spent a special day with her "second mother" and got a cool haircut. After Vanessa finished up at work, they went out running around, visiting Joe, Vanessa's long-suffering and patient saint of a partner, and then to Vanessa's to visit Katie's step-canine sibling, Rosie, who is a precious lab/rottweiller mix.
I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to stealing away on this adventure with this group. Justin has volunteered to take over the cooking which is fortunate and he got no argument from any of us. Justin has turned into a very talented cook and we're pleased to let him shine. Billie and I plan on fishing, poking around lighthouses and we all have a kite with our name on it for some serious Jockey's Ridge kite flying.
Billie and I went out shopping tonight and bought all manner of snacks and necessities to keep us happy during our trip. We bought three loaves of bread for the ferry rides and the sea gulls that will trail in our wake. We have each selected some good books for night-time reading, something the Outer Banks is perfect for, and Katie will have her iBook. Of course, we're taking the quintessential OBX movie, "Tombstone" - something that Katie and Justin watched countless times during their first introduction to the Outer Banks, back in June 2001. They watched that movie so much that I think we could all recite the script. In addition we'll be watching, "Captain Ron", "The Perfect Storm" and a few other terrifying sea tales. You know, warm and fuzzy movies. :-) We're such a twisted bunch, but we have fun and we all adore each other so much. Billie might not be "blood-kin", but he fits in perfectly and it's a special treat to have him with us for the week.
I'll upload some photos when I return from the Outer Banks and give a quick recap of our trip on that magical chain of islands, before heading off to another chain of islands, with a much more southern exposure.
Until then, I hope everyone has a safe and happy week and I plan on doing the same. Feel free to say prayers for our trip for happy times and a safe return. Billie might need a few extra prayers - he has no idea what he's in for!
Don't forget to sign my guest book!
Boy, how jealous am I? I love your new job though.............traveling queen! It suits you to a "T." I can't wait to hear about both adventures. I must say, you're braver than I. A week sailing, not for me. But I do hope you and
Capt. Mike have a superb time. Have fun, be safe and take care. Love ya!
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