22 March 2009

Can You Solve This????

I love puzzles. I love any kind of puzzle. I'm so weird I even love math word problems.

This will be a decidedly short post and because I love puzzles, I'm going to post one - see if you can solve it... :-)

John and Katie

PLUS (+)

One Engagement Ring

E Q U A L (=)

KATIE AND JOHN ARE ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Needless to say, we are excited, thrilled and happy for both of them. We love them both and wish them all kinds of happiness.

This means that my little family has TWO (count 'em two!) engaged couples - one wedding on the calendar (Justin and Stephanie - 21 June 2009) and the promise of another wedding (TBA).

We officially, and with great affection, and excitement welcome Stephanie and John to the Cook/Parker clan. I will officially be the grandma to three grandcats (Boo Radley, Olive and Soprano), and I am looking so forward to having a new daughter-in-law (Stephanie) and son-in-law (John).

Empty nesting was an adjustment, but it's turned rather exciting. I love the nests my kids are creating and the special people they have chosen to nest with.

I couldn't possibly be more happy and pleased. As any Mom will tell you, when the kids are happy - I'm happy!!!!

Today is about the endless possibilities and mystery of love.


Gberger said...

That is WONDERFUL news! Let's see: Justin + Stephanie (1+1=2) + John + Katie (1+1=2) =4 + Susie Parker = HAPPINESS all around! HOORAY! Congratulations and best wishes to all of the love-birds...and here is to those infinite possibilities of grace & love...who knows? You may be next! God bless you!

Susie Writes! said...

Thank you so much Karen - me next? I HIGHLY doubt it...wouldn't put money on that! But I am so thrilled for all of them. I am going to
them sign some sort of agreement that I not be designated a grandma for at least five years...wish me luck with that!
Hope you are well!


Anonymous said...

John and I are going to get married on October 9, 2010. Our 5th anniversary.